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We always uphold the implementation of social responsibility, and regularly carry out charity work, environmental protection activities.
Our Products
With the principle “Safety Products for Public Health”
For the past 20 years, the founders of PTEXIM CORPORATION have been striving to provide the international agriculture market with quality, safe and satisfying for consumers around the world. Proud to be a South East Asian country with long history and potential for strong agricultural development, PTEXIM products are rigorously selected from well-known indigenous ingredients and process by experienced engineers and closed processing line.
We understand and persevere in pursue the goal of quality products, professional services and brand reputation as the foundation for sustainable development for businesses with all responsibilities and passion.
We always remember that “Business is our mission, not about our benefits”
Reason For Choosing Us
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Our factory will be one of most advance processing line and applying BRC, ISO, HACCP, GMP, SEDEX standards in all stages of processing, storage and preservation.
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